The Ideal Dental School Application Timeline (2025-2026)

What to do each month of the 2025-2026 application cycle to ensure timely, high-quality materials and maximize your odds of getting accepted into dental school

image of a black and white clock in front of a calendar

follow this timeline to make sure your Dental school application stays on course


Part 1: Introduction to the dental school application timeline

The road to becoming a dentist is long—from discovering your interest in dentistry to engaging in dental-related extracurricular activities to completing your pre-dental requirements and, finally, to the dental school application itself. This guide will walk you through the dental school application year, presenting an ideal timeline to complete and submit all of your application materials. 

One piece of advice that all dental school advisors agree on is that the earlier you submit your application, the better. This is because most dental schools practice rolling admissions, meaning that they review applications and offer interviews and admissions decisions continually—as opposed to waiting for all applications to be submitted before beginning to review them. This means that if you submit your application early you will be competing against fewer applicants for the greatest number of available seats. 

It’s important, however, to balance the quality of your application materials with the benefits of submitting early. You don’t want to submit sub-par essays. Rather, you should aim to get ahead of things so that you can produce high quality materials, with a minimum of anxiety, and submit them as early as possible. Since secondary essay prompts are not released until your primary application has been processed, this will mean pre-writing responses that you can then adapt to each school’s specific prompts. 

ADEA AADSAS is the centralized application system for most U.S. and Canadian dental schools and TMDSAS is the centralized application system for public dental schools in Texas. While this dental school application timeline will detail the deadlines for these two systems, we also encourage you to consult their websites for further information. 


Part 2: Dental school application timeline (2025-2026)

January to April 2025

(Suggested reading: DMD vs. DDS: The Biggest Differences (And Which Is Better))

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May 2025

  • Submit your TMDSAS application.

    • The application becomes available on May 1 and application submission opens on May 15.

  • Finalize your AADSAS personal statement, achievements section, and experiences section by May 15.

  • Begin to pre-write supplemental application essays as soon as you finalize your AADSAS application.

  • Register for the Casper Test (in particular, if you are applying to any of these 14 dental schools that require it).

    • We recommend you take the Casper Test no later than late June. You want your scores to reach schools by the time you submit your AADSAS application and this process generally takes 2-3 weeks. So, if you want to submit your AADSAS as early as possible (on or around June 1) we would recommend taking the Casper Test by early May.

    • (Suggested reading: How to Prepare for the Casper Test)

    • (Suggested reading: Casper, Snapshot, and Duet: Everything You Need to Know)

      • *Note: Because Casper began as a medical school admissions tool, these guides were written with med school applicants in mind. Nevertheless, 100 percent of the advice in them applies to the dental school admissions process as well.

    • (Suggested resource: Casper Mastery Prep Course)

June 2025

  • Submit your AADSAS application (as early as possible in the month, without sacrificing quality).

    • The AADSAS application cycle generally opens on or around June 1. The exact date will be announced in the following months—in 2024 it opened on May 14. While each dental school has its own deadline, we strongly recommend submitting your AADSAS application no later than July 15.

    • For the 2024-2025 cycle, application fees were $264 for the first school applicants applied to and $115 for each additional school.

  • Ensure that all of your transcripts and letters of recommendation have been received by ADEA AADSAS and/or TMDSAS. 

    • *Note: Do not assume that your application is complete until you receive an email or notice confirming this. Check in with individual schools and/or the ADEA if you have any questions in this regard.

    • *Note: You should not send in transcripts for TMDSAS until they request them.

  • Continue pre-writing supplemental application essays.

July 2025

  • Submit supplemental applications as soon as possible after receiving them (without sacrificing quality).

  • Begin preparing for dental school admissions interviews.

    • *Note: Be sure that you have professional business attire for your interviews.

(Suggested reading: How to Ace Your Dental School Interview: Questions Included))

September 2025 to March/April 2026

  • Continue preparing for interviews.

  • Complete interviews.

    • Most dental schools begin interviewing applicants in September and, while they may continue interviewing as late as the following April, the strongest candidates tend to be interviewed in September, October, and November.

  • Send letters of interest, with updates, prior to receiving interviews if the school accepts them and they are appropriate to your situation (i.e. if you have significant updates to share and at least a month has passed since submitting your supplemental application).

  • Send letters of interest/intent after completing interviews/getting placed on the waitlist, if the school accepts and they are appropriate to your situation. (A letter of interest communicates fit and interest to attend the school if admitted, whereas a letter of intent communicates fit and intention to attend if admitted. You should only send a letter of intent to one school.) 

December 2025 to May 2026

  • December 15th (or the following Monday if December 15th falls on a weekend), sometimes known as “Decision Day,” is traditionally the first day that dental schools begin extending offers of acceptance.

    • If you do not hear from any schools on December 15th, however, it doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. Most programs continue sending offers into March or even April as waitlists move and students decide which school to attend.

  • Once you receive an admission offer you typically have 30 days to respond.

    • Most schools require a financial deposit, usually between $500 and $1000, to secure your seat in the class. If you get your offer in January, February or March, you may have only 10 days to confirm your spot. Have a very clear sense of your top choices so you can prioritize and make a quick decision.

    • If you receive an offer, but not from your top school, pay up and reserve your seat at the lower-choice school, and then wait to hear back from your top program. If you get a yes from your dream school later, you can always accept it—though this will mean losing the earlier deposit. Paying a three- or four-figure sum to ensure a safety net is usually a good idea.

  • Review admission and financial aid offers.

  • Negotiate financial aid (this means engaging in an honest discussion and recognizing that your offer may or may not be negotiable).

  • Attend accepted student events and, if you wish, discuss the program in more detail with faculty, current students, and/or alumni.

  • Select a program to attend, put down your deposit, and withdraw applications from other schools.

  • Enjoy this major accomplishment and rest easy, knowing you are on the path to becoming a dentist. Congratulations!


Part 3: Frequently asked questions

When does AADSAS open for the 2025-2026 cycle?

While this has not been officially announced for the 2025-2026 cycle, in 2024 AADSAS opened on May 14th, with submissions beginning on June 4th. We will update this guide as soon the new dates are announced.

When is the absolute last time I can take the DAT and still be competitive for the upcoming/current cycle?

We typically recommend taking your final DAT no later than April so that you can focus on essay writing for some of April and in May and June. 

It takes about 3-4 weeks for your DAT scores to be returned, so if you take the test in May you should still receive your scores by June. Again, we recommend submitting your AADSAS application by July 15th at the latest (though closer to early June is ideal), so if you take the DAT in early June it is still possible to meet this deadline. 

Taking the DAT in May or June, however, makes for greater time pressure. You might be able to mitigate this pressure by writing your essays earlier in the year and devoting March, April and some of May to DAT prep.

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I’m struggling to decide whether to apply this year or next. What advice do you have?

Dental school applicants are often able to strengthen their admissions profiles by waiting to apply during a future cycle, assuming they use this time to deepen their extracurricular involvements, boost their grades, or improve their DAT score. You can look at the average GPA and DAT scores of accepted students at the schools to which you are applying to see how you stack up. If your “counting stats” are significantly below the schools’ averages it might be in your interest to spend an extra year strengthening your application.

This decision also depends on how eager you are to start dental school and whether you would like to delay the start of your career. Some students appreciate taking a short break from coursework in order to explore their own interests and come back to school with renewed excitement.

When is my dental school application considered late?

While the AADSAS application does not technically close until the beginning of February, for all intents and purposes, we consider applications submitted after July 15 to be “late.” This is because it takes time for your application to be verified.Many schools will then invite you to submit their supplemental applications,  after which they will review your application and decide whether or not to offer you an interview. As mentioned previously, interviewing early will greatly improve your chances of receiving a coveted acceptance offer on December 15th.

So, while an application submitted in August or later will not necessarily be disqualified on grounds of tardiness, submitting your application at such a late date leaves you at a serious disadvantage. Due to rolling admissions, there are simply fewer and fewer available seats as the admissions cycle progresses.

 It’s also important to remember that your full application will not be reviewed until your supplemental application has been received. Students often submit their primary AADSAS application as early as possible but then take extra time with school-specific supplemental essays, thereby negating any benefit of submitting early.



Part 4: Dental school application deadlines

AADSAS application deadlines & dates 2025-2026

  • AADSAS application opens: May 9, 2025

  • First day to submit AADSAS: May 30, 2025

  • Dental schools begin extending offers of acceptance: December 15, 2025

  • AADSAS application closes: February 2, 2026

  • Document submission deadline: February 9, 2026

*Note: The official dates for the 2025-2026 AADSAS cycle have not yet been announced, so these dates are based on the 2024-2025 cycle. This guide will be updated as soon as the new dates are released.

TMDSAS application deadlines & dates 2025-2026

  • TMDSAS application opens: May 1, 2025

  • First day to submit TMDSAS: May 15, 2025

  • Submission deadline: November 1, 2025

  • Document submission deadline: November 15, 2025

  • Dental schools begin extending offers of acceptance: December 15, 2025

*Note: The official dates for the 2025-2026 TMDSAS cycle have not yet been announced, so these dates are based on the 2024-2025 cycle. This guide will be updated as soon as the new dates are released.

Final Thoughts

This guide should serve as a resource that you consult during each month of your dental school application cycle. In addition to a comprehensive timeline, this guide also provides links to a wealth of other resources to consult every step of the way.

With such a breadth of materials going into your dental school application, it’s easy to overlook an item and suddenly find yourself in a time crunch. Many students think they’ve planned things well and then, suddenly, find themselves rushing to complete an essay or secure a letter of recommendation at the last minute. You can use this guide as a checklist. Know that it never hurts to double-, triple-, or even quadruple-check that your dental school application timeline is in order.


About the Author

Dr. Shirag Shemmassian is the Founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting and one of the world's foremost experts on dental school admissions. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into dental school using his exclusive approach.