Have meaningful updates to share with adcoms? It’s time to act.

As a high achiever, perhaps the most uncomfortable aspect of the med school admissions process involves waiting—to receive an interview, to receive a decision following an interview, or to receive a concrete decision following a waitlist placement.

It’s not like you to just… wait.

As the admissions cycle rolls along, you’re not just sitting idly at home. You’re either completing additional coursework, pursuing extracurriculars, being recognized for accomplishments, and more.

Assuming that you have meaningful updates to share, it may be time to prepare a thoughtful update letter to remind the admissions committee of your interest in or steadfast commitment to attending their program.

But you don’t want to just submit any old letter. You want to be genuine and leave a fantastic impression.

Our Med School Update Letter Premium Example Library—the first and only one of its kind—was designed to help you do just that.

We created this library to show you how to prepare letters of interest and letters of intent that strike the perfect tone, the right balance between informative and effective, and maintain the focus on moving your application from the "maybe" pile to the “accepted” pile.

Our library comprises 35 actual update letters, each one crafted and vetted by our advisors to ensure their impact. You can access these examples on demand to maximize your odds of getting in, no matter where things currently stand.

While every letter in the library includes updates about an applicant's activities, each one has been placed into one of following three categories:

  • Letters of Interest – Written by applicants who are highly interested in attending an institution

  • Letters of Intent – Written by applicants who intend to matriculate at an institution upon acceptance

  • Follow-up Letters – Written by applicants who previously sent either a letter of interest or letter of intent and now have additional updates to share since their last communication

With our Med School Update Letter Premium Example Library, you can steer your application towards acceptance. And with 24/7 access to the library on any device and wherever you are, sparking inspiration for your own writing has never been so easy.

Don't leave anything to chance. You've come too far to leave anything on the table.

Medical School Update Letter Premium Example Library (35 Samples)
Every week
Every month

Gain instant access to real-world examples of letters of interest and letters of intent that will help you get you out of admissions purgatory and into med school. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will increase after September 30 for new subscribers.