Imagine walking into each interview with unwavering confidence, knowing exactly what questions to expect and how to answer them flawlessly.

Comprehensive responses to any type of question—from “What is your greatest weakness?” to “Why us?”

Master any interview format—Traditional, MMI or even hybrid with sample responses for the most common questions and most importantly, analyses on why they work.

You’ve been granted an interview at the med school of your dreams.

Everything you’ve been working toward has led up to this point. Years of studying to maintain that stellar GPA, all the hours outside the classroom spent volunteering and shadowing—you even conquered the almighty MCAT.

It’s all about to pay off with a letter of acceptance and your proud attendance at a white coat ceremony.

But there’s just one final hurdle

Your mind starts racing.

  • What questions will I be asked?

  • What should I highlight if I’m asked, “Tell me about yourself”?

  • What’s OK to share for my greatest strength or weakness?

  • If I’m asked about a time I failed, what am I supposed to say?

  • What interview format do I need to prepare for—Traditional or MMI?

  • Do I know how to answer questions about universal healthcare?

  • Will I need to untangle knotty ethical issues at MMI stations? What if I don’t answer like a physician?

  • How should I approach questions about my academic history, extracurricular interests, or background?

  • How can I ensure I make a great impression?

Over our 20+ years devoted to helping students ace interviews for every MD and DO program, we’ve compiled 230+ of the most common interview questions you’ll encounter.

We then paired each question with a sample response and actionable guidance for why each response works.

And now, we’ve published our exclusive Med School Interview Question Bank.

Our 230+ questions and sample responses are organized by interview format and question category, so you’ll get targeted practice with the exact questions you especially need to focus on.

On interview day, you’ll only get one chance to answer each question. That’s why it’s critical to have a deep understanding of what admissions committees are looking for—and what to avoid.

Which is why we’ve also highlighted common issues or misconceptions that applicants face with the most popular questions, included expert advice on how to approach individual questions, provided a a sample response, and an analysis of why the sample response works.

Simple, straightforward, and to the point. Precisely the strong foundation you’ll need to wow your interviewers.

Why leave this process to chance? There’s too much on the line. You’ve worked too hard to get to this point, only to end up in waitlist purgatory or the rejection pile.

Our Med School Interview Question Bank explains the key principles you need to know to unlock the final door to med school admission. Enroll today to avoid having to wonder “what could have been.”

Medical School Interview Question Bank (230+ Sample Questions and Answers)
Every month
Every 2 months

Gain instant access to the most common traditional and MMI interview questions, plus sample responses for each, to help you craft responses that lead to acceptances. Subscribe today to lock in the current investments, which will be increasing in the future for new subscribers.