Adversity Essay Master Class w/ Dr. Shemmassian (Thursday, June 13)

Adversity Essay Master Class w/ Dr. Shemmassian (Thursday, June 13)


This is a 1hr live master class w/ Dr. Shemmassian scheduled to take place at 4PM PST (7PM EST) on Thursday, June 13.

It will cover everything you need to know about how to tackle adversity (i.e., challenge) essay prompts for medical school secondary applications, including prompt subtypes, common misconceptions, brainstorming strategies, and best practices for editing.

A minimum of 10 individuals must enroll by 12PM PST (3PM EST) on Thursday, June 13 to confirm the event. Meeting details will be provided shortly after 12PM PST (3PM EST) on Thursday, June 13 to individuals who enroll by that time. If a minimum of 10 people do not enroll, the event will be cancelled, and you will receive a full refund.

The event will not be recorded.
